

A girl gets on the train to evacuate the city, She discovers the local forest and her imagination runs wild, showing a stark contrast between the reality of war and the fantasy of her imagination.


Animatic Plan-

Opening shot of a girl running through a destroyed city, her hair waves behind her and the shadows of planes pass, shot of a suitcase being grabbed through the bustle of a station, hands reaching for each other through the window.

Slow scene of a girl looking away from the window (previously peering through excitedly and now sad) she looks down at her book, on the front is a cottage.

She lifts the book up and transitions into the house she stays in as she walks over with her luggage.

Fades to dark opens on her running out the door, cuts to her in the woods, she comes across a crossroads, she picks the more overgrown one, shot of leaves rustling and things watch her

Shes sees a wooden arch and steps through as she does wind rushes past her and she watches leaves turn into magical lights, close up as she holds a fairy on her hand and cuts to her following it to a river

She sees fairies fly overhead and it cuts to the shadow of planes on her face again

The colour gets colder and she looks concerned. She tries to find her way out and the leaves scratch her, she tumbles out of the woods to see a sad messenger at the door and a telegram, they look at her and it cuts to black.

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